Los Angeles City Nerd is a font of wisdom unlike any other in our fair city, delivering daily nuggets of information you need to know if you love Los Angeles. The Nerd walks us through matters of proper spelling, obscure parking regulations, city history, inside politics, and just about anything else that he or his readers find interesting about LA.
So, LA City Nerd, What's your favorite taco?
"My favorite Taco is not Tito's or Henry's, as the masses attest. For me, the best taco in LA is found on Olvera Street. Though it's little, it's not those deep fried ones found at the many stands on Olvera Street (though those can be tasty, too). Personally, the taquitos from Cielito Lindo are the best Taco to me. True, they are "little Tacos" in a unique sense, but as their website claims, they are world-famous. (And they have this great avocado sauce that makes it all that much
Photo from Cielito Lindo website