THIN VEILS AND HEAVY ANCHORS at LACE GALLERY. Opens March 8th, closes March 10th.
“I used to get the crap beat out of me daily. Every day as I got off the school bus, I was beat to the point where I just wish I could disappear. Become invisible. I was a 6ft tall, skinny, suicidal, insecure redhead who didn't have the confidence to stand up for myself. Those years sucked. I stood out like a sore thumb. It wasn't until I left for college that I found my 'home.' I arrived in the city of Baltimore for college and for the first time since elementary school, nobody noticed me. Nobody called me names. Nobody tried to beat me up. I had finally succeeded in pulling a thin veil over the awkwardness that had followed me for most of my life. I was normal. I had become part of the fabric of my environment. It was the most amazing feeling. Ever since then, I have been in love with the city. The potential it represents. The freedom. I feel more attached to the city that I live in than the people that live within it. The city has become my anchor." -- Logan Hicks