Above, House of Meggs in the Arts District. Please enjoy this tour of recent street art as found on the streets of Los Angeles by the one and only locoliinda. For more street art and graffiti pics visit http://lostangelesstreetart.tumblr.com/ or follow @locoliinda on instragram. Keep reading for the full tour...

Syntek x SeratLA x P17 in Downtown.

Stencil by Murdock.

Sloth Mute LTS KOG

Melrose alley by CBS Crew

The Black Light King x Colette Miller.

Artist unknown in Echo Park

Vyal One mural in Boyle Heights.

By unknown artist in Downtown L.A.

For more street art and graffiti pics visit http://lostangelesstreetart.tumblr.com/ or follow @locoliinda on instragram.