A lot of bands seem to be shunning our city for Southwest detours this weekend, allowing us to save our energy for what really matters to us. We're sorta, kinda talkin' molesting drunk leprachuans and dosing on green-flavored insanity, only taking that same spirit to the streets for Saturday's March Against Illegal Bullshit Wars and all Forthcoming Imperialist Aggression, in Hollywood. If you have even the slightest unease about illegal invasions, illegal torture, illegal detainments, illegal wire-tapping, illegal crony-ism, lies, the waste of Iraqi lives and sanity, the waste of U.S. lives and resources, for unclear reasons in the name of your government, our government, then this is the big one to show Big Brother we are not as complacent as they hope. Trust us, it will feel good, too. And yes, you can arrive drunk if you're really missing standing in line at Brennan's. Spending Sunday with the legendary Mr. Cartoon sounds like a good way to shake the Irish off.
Thursday March 15
Bathroom Graffiti, I Am Alive in Los Angeles, and Madonna of the Toast @ The Venice Contemporary ~ 12222 Venice Blvd. Venice, CA 90066 ~ MC'd by Mark the Poet. Readings, spoken word, free cocktails, and triple book-signing ~ 7:00PM-10:00PM
Friday March 16
Clipse @ El Rey ~ 5515 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 ~ Find out what's happened to these boys ~ 9:00P.M. ~ $22.50
Saturday March 17
ANSWER L.A. Mass Los Angeles Anti-War Protest in Hollywood ~ Meet Hollywood & Vine at 12 noon, march to Hollywood & Highland for rally~ FREE, LIVE concert by Ozomatli and performance by Jackson Browne
Sunday March 18
Mr. Cartoon's 'The Lost Angel' Launch Party @ Meltdown Comics ~ 7522 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046 ~ Enjoy a low-rider show and artwork by Mr. Cartoon and his friends, along with food, drinks, and a general cool family vibe while the artist releases a new vinyl figure. 4-8P.M. ~ FREE