MAR has been getting up all over LA for a few years now, beautifying the city with images of gorgeous women and other eye-catching visuals on walls, utility boxes, and any other spot he likes. So what makes MAR tick? We found out with a quick Q&A...
What's your favorite taco?
Gallegos Carne Asada Tacos, and their tamales are damn good! I love Pili's too, being open late never hurts.
How did you get your start as a street artist? What was the first incarnation of MAR?
I started as a kid who was just fascinated with drawing on things. I discovered that spray cans and paper bag stencils could leave funny, pointless or perhaps slightly insightful but still totally naive quotes almost anywhere. I made a mess trying to do nothing. I had no rhyme or reason. Then, years later, after carefully watching what I had so quickly jumped into before, I made a more concentrated and directed move to put art out. I did some advertising diss' and funny interventions with krink or paint. I got tired of this because the street ad companies are super-fast to notice new additions, and they quickly redo their posters. I tried putting posters over their posters. They still didn't like that, but I liked putting up posters. That was it.
How long have you lived in LA and what is your favorite neighborhood in LA?
I was born in Santa Monica, lived here ever since. I've lived in 6 different places across LA and still haven't found my favorite spot. I just love being near the ocean. That is for sure.
You have an eye for beautiful women, what is it that makes you choose one beauty over another?
That is a good question. I guess it is like music. Why do you like a one kind of music, and find another to be hard on your ears? Who knows. You just do. People just like what they like, I guess.
What inspires you about Los Angeles?
Everything. Its my home. Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes from anywhere and everywhere... Cali Green is always good though too.
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