City Joins Foes of FBI
The FBI wants to tear down the giant white Federal Building on Wilshire Boulevard near the 405 in Westwood and replace it with a massive new FBI HQ. 'We are going to fight and we are going to stop this federal proposal,' Councilman Weiss said at a news conference at the site. Weiss joined Councilman Rosendahl and community activists to protest the increased traffic and other problems they say the new FBI HQ will bring to the already congested area.
Six LA Schools Distinguished
The schools are George K. Porter Middle/Gifted Magnet, Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy, High Tech High, Nobel Middle/Nobel Math Science Technology Magnet, Robert Milliken Middle School & Performing Arts Magnet and Valley Alternative Magnet.
Mosely Book Bombs With Critics
Walter Mosely, one of this city's finest novelists (even if he does live in New York) has seen his new book, a departure from his Easy Rawlins noir stories, blasted by critics from coast to coast. It seems that Killing Johnny Fry: A Sexistential Novel, is too overtly sexual for critics, who decry its frank sexuality and bordering-on-porn lasciviousness. Mosley brushes aside the critics, saying that they just don't want to read about heterosexual male sexperiences.
LA Cancer Conference: THC Fights Lung Cancer
While smoke is not good for the lungs, the active ingredient in marijuana may help fight lung cancer, scientists say. Science-- isn't it amazing!
Little Tokyo Goes Wireless
Yet another reason to hang out in Little Tokyo, if the great ramen and sushi spots, tea houses, and eclectic stores aren't enough. The area has now embraced community wifi, offering free service to neighbors, shops, and visitors.
Live like it's 1957
Gridskipper has the guide to 1950's LA, including Pann's, The Apple Pan, and other places not called Pan. They also mistakenly call the Argyle by its new old name, it's now back to the original 50's name of the Sunset Tower.
Photo of the Sunset Tower by Soma.