Harmony in My Head ~ 103.1 FM Tuesdays 8-10PM
Sometimes we have our heads buried so deeply in our tacos, we fail to notice what's going on around us. We were super-stoked one recent Tuesday evening to turn on the radio and find the return of Henry Rollin's Harmony in My Head on 103.1 FM.
We recently had a quick talk with Henry, who has lived in and around Los Angeles for years when not pursuing his juggernaut touring schedule...about TACOS and LA eats. Henry says:
"I don't know where to go for a taco, never really sought out the ultimate taco. I don't go out much for food past the grocery store. I like that sushi place... Cafe Sushi, I think it's called. It's on Beverly, about a block east of La Cienega on the north side of the street on a corner. That place is good."
True indeed, Beverly's Cafe Sushi provides decent, fresh and authentic sushi at good prices, and we understand you can't stay in shape like Hank on a diet of pastor and asada tacos.
From 8-10 PM, the former Black Flag singer, current Rollins Band leader, spoken word performer, book publisher-TV host, and all-around modern renaissance man, plays an eclectic mash of his favorite tunes, from an obscure Tenor Saw live song to rare Suicide and rarer Ruts tracks to Coltrane jams and beyond. It would be a challenge to find a more diverse playlist on commercial radio than Rollins provides from his fanboy crates of records, assisted in this sonic jihad by the mysterious, but no less deadly, Engineer X.
For those wanting to hear Henry's awesome show in action, check out Tara's archives of every show at http://www.rollins-archive.com/blog/ and make sure you check out Hank's intelligent show on IFC and Indie 103.1 FM.