For decades zines have been created by people all over the world to communicate their ideas and interests. ¡¡Zine Fest Internacional!! is a joint DIY effort aimed to bring together the zine fans and independent publications of México, the USA and beyond. Zines have been used as a means of self publication where you do not have to abide by any rules or other people's interests, only your own. A zine is seen as a way to voice your opinion, express thoughts, share your artwork and sometimes just to have fun.
This weekend ¡¡Zine Fest Internacional!! will hold the 1st part of their event in Mexicali, Mexico on November 11th and 12th. Zine events and workshops will take place during the two day event and LA Taco's very own Erwin Recinos will be presenting a closer look into various Los Angeles Photo Collectives. As we're excited to know this event is taking place, we're even more thrilled to know that this event will travel and make its way to Boyle Heights next weekend as the 2nd part of this event will be held for two days as well at various locations. More details will be posted next week. In light of current events we know how crucial and important the celebration and communication of art is. We know the future is bright and we cannot let ourselves be closed to the rest of the world as there are so many people that want to be heard and using zines as means to talk can be a very powerful thing.