Juicy Burger is the working man's version of the Counter. While I find "build your own burgers" a recipe for disaster in terms of composition (do you really need ranch on a burger?), and price (premium toppings are the satellite navigation upgrades of the burger world), at Juicy, if you stick to the basic, you will win.

Stick with the "Juciy Burger Classic"; 1/3 pound patty, lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion and 1000 island dressing. The patty has a good coarse grind to it, though ordered medium rare, you can see there is still plenty juice despite a lack of red in the beef patty. The lettuce is shredded iceberg, the tomato not horribly mealy, the pickles, onions and 1000 are serviceable but the sum is greater that its individual parts. This burger has great texture and good ratio of beef to bun to toppings.

The Bottom Line: $5.44. Resist the cheese, resist the 1/2 lb option, resist any bacon that isn't nueske (or at the very least, applewood smoked), and you will get some serious bang for your burger buck at Juicy Burger.
Two locations:
Hollywood 6340 Hollywood Blvd, LA CA 90028, 11am-3am
Los Feliz: 1820 N. Vermont Ave, LA CA 90027 11am-12:30am