On August 13th the VIP tribute to the upcoming movie Righteous Kill was held at the The Last Laugh bonus space in Downtown Los Angeles. The space featured movie posters from various De Niro and Pacino movies as well as props set up to simulate a crime scene, shooting range and wall covered in Graffitti. Event atendees were treated to food and drinks including a NYC style hot dog vendor parked between two NYC police cars. Upper Playground was also holding an opening for artists Patrick Martinez and Munk One. The Upper Playground, Last Laugh and bonus space were packed all night as well as the sidewalk in front of each store. The event also marked the opening of the Righteous Kill Pop Up Shop will will open today for an extended time.
The Righteous Kill Space
August 14th - September 15th, 2008
Tuesday - Saturday, 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
131 East 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014
(Located between Los Angeles Street and Main Street in the Santa Fe Loft Building)