"This City Belongs to Me" was a four-part event series curated and created by Red Bull Music Academy, that brought together the city of Los Angeles for free nights of music and dancing. Ranging from Disco (DJ Harvey), Experimental (TOKiMONSTA), Future Hip Hop (Friends of Friends) to House (Rhonda International), each event draw massive amounts of young Angeleños out to downtown venues to celebrate their city's music scene together.
The crowd to see Seth Troxler and Guy Gerber, two of the biggest current names in classic house music was enormous, with lines spilling down the block and club kids, dance freaks, fabulous people, bewigged party animals, and at least two groups of Swedish tourists all waiting patiently to get their turn to groove. The Rhonda regulars were there in force but the Belasco Theatre also played host to newcomers, drawn in by RBMA or previous "This City" events, who wanted to finally experience Rhonda with everyone else.
Good vibes were felt by all, and headliner Guy Gerber especially seemed to be enjoying the crowd, the dancers, and the effect his ever-increasing bass was having on the party people. The floor was packed but easy to navigate, and like all Rhonda events, various groups were co-mingling in unexpected ways. Exactly hen the night ended we couldn't be 100% sure, but it was late and no one was ready for it to be over...
Photo credit: Carlo Cruz/Red Bull Content Pool