East LA Ponders Cityhood
Aztlan Electronic News says: In a town hall meeting yesterday the residents of East Los Angeles, CA discussed incorporation for its 140,000 residents and businesses. The meeting was hosted by State Senate majority leader Gloria Romero, who said that East Los Angeles, which shares a border with the City of Commerce and Monterey Park, is internationally known and can attract businesses in its own right. About 100 residents attended the meeting.
Spike Lee Will Direct LA Riot Film
The good: Spike Lee. The Bad: Brian Grazier. A studio film about the LA riots, even with Spike Lee at the helm, is bound to be hemmed in by the mainstream political concerns of its financial backers. Still, it should be interesting and will bring up a lot of skeletons in the city's closet 15 years later...
Cop Arrest Cop
LAVoice.org reports that the LAPD has arrested one of their own on the charge of beating a handcuffed teenager. The kid who got the beating was apparently arrested near Chinatown for "curfew violation".
Coke Triggers Hazmat Team
CBS2 reports that Hazmat crews were called to examine a suspicious white powder at a Wells Fargo bank early Friday morning, but it turned out to be cocaine -- nothing potentially as indiscriminately toxic as anthrax. Via Blogging.la
It's Friday, Make Dub Beats
This has nothing to do with anything, but it's Friday in LA and you should be spending your time making dub beats on your computer with the Dubselector.