[dropcap size=big]S[/dropcap]un Worshipers, rejoice. June brings health and wealth to the City of Angels. On the 17th, the Strawberry Moon – so named by the Algonquin Tribe – brings summer’s sweetness. Both this Moon (and a very sparkly meteor shower on the 20th ) brighten the
constellation Ophiuchus. In Greek Mythology, this constellation represents the God of
Medicine, and physical stamina is supported throughout June. Hit the gym. Hit the trail. Hit the beach. Summer officially opens with the Solstice on the 21st . How will you spend
the longest day of the year? Living in this town gives you plenty of fun options.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
June fattens the Ram’s wallet, beginning on the 3rd when the New Moon invigorates your Personal Income House. Make a new budget and stick to it. More money news comes on the 17th, when the Strawberry Moon sweetens your House of Joint Income. This Full Moon represents bounty and blessings. The Ophiuchid Meteor Shower also supports your bank account, energizing your Joint Income House on the 20th. Even the Solstice points to Money. When the Sun spends the longest day of the year energizing your House of Personal Income, celebrate the start of summer with a flush bankroll. Remember the first rule of casinos; the house always wins. This house has a name, and it is spelled A-R-I-E-S.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Your birthday may have already passed, Bull, but June brings a belated present. When the New Moon lands in your constellation on the 3rd, new projects benefit from your famous work ethic. The Moon is exalted in Taurus - that means activated – and lunar dreams manifest in the earthly realm. Have a partner in crime? When the Strawberry Moon sweetens your Partnership House on the 17th, you will discover an ally. Somebody is willing to work as hard as you, and together you can accomplish that special goal you have in mind. Your Partnership House also hosts the Ophiuchid Meteor Shower, further blessing this alliance. (The meteor shower should be super pretty. Check it out on the 20th.) Taurus hosts the Summer Solstice June 21st. It is the longest day of the year, and all that solar energy restores your bullish strength and stamina. It is going to be a fantastic summer.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Which is it Gemini, naughty or nice? The Twins are the proverbial angel and devil this month, whispering conflicting advice into ears. Make good choices because the New Moon lands in your Karma House on June 3rd. On the 5th, your constellation hosts the Moon-Mars alignment. This planetary combination leads to crazy-head, so remember: don’t believe everything you think. Got a sweetie? The Strawberry Moon lands in your Marriage House on the 17th, sweetening your love life. Nothing beats a summer romance in Los Angeles. The good vibes peak on the 20th, when a Meteor Shower in the same house adds sparkle to your love life. Summer officially opens on the 21st when the Sun refuses to go to bed for the Solstice. Once again, the solar energy is in your Karma House. Sow what you want to reap.

Venus - Computer Simulated Global View. Via NASA.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
When your ruling planet is the Moon, it can be hard to sort the rapidly changing moods of the Crab. Focus on friendships and health, both of which benefit this summer. On the 3rd, the New Moon lands in your Friendship House, blessing a strong new crew you have been spending time with. Put energy there and you will have a great summer. Everything else this month points to health, especially a Moon-Jupiter alignment on the 16th which supports physical stamina. The Strawberry Moon lands in the same house on the 17th, representing bounty. Count your blessings and take your vitamins. More celestial mojo supports health on the 20th, this time in the form of a sparkly meteor shower.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Risk it for the biscuit, Lion. Rebels are rewarded this June, beginning on the 10th when lucky Jupiter aligns with Earth and your ruling Sun. Do something out of the ordinary. If you are goth, wear yellow. If you are a nudist, where a clown suit. Ready for summer lovin’? Both the Strawberry Moon and Ophiuchid Meteor Shower (June 17th and 20th, respectively) sweeten your House of Love. And your ruling Sun steals the show on the 21st with the June solstice. That day, the Sun energizes your Career House. You are poised for workplace success.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgos tend to have their shit together, but this month you are especially motivated. The New Moon lands in your House of Higher Education on the 3rd. Set a goal to acquire a new skill. Enjoy a happy home? You get one this month when the Strawberry Moon sweetens your House and Family sector on the 17th. This Moon brings food, love and togetherness. A Meteor Shower in the same sector (June 20th) further strengthens family ties. Healthy relationships are supported. Feel spiritual on the 21st, when the Solstice activates your House of Religion. Celebrate with some sun salutations. (Yogis recommend 108 of them, so you may want to work up to that.)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Make way for a new you, Libra. Papa’s got a brand-new bag when your ruling Venus aligns with the Moon in your House of Transformation (June 1st). Going somewhere? The New Moon lands in your Travel House on the 3rd, supporting adventure. Prepare for inner and external journeys. Did somebody do you a solid? Extend your appreciation on the 17th when the Strawberry Moon sweetens your House of Communication. This Moon is all about counting your blessings and expressing gratitude. Your Communication House also hosts a Meteor Shower on the 20th. It is visible in L.A. and should be super pretty. Check it out. Summer opens on the 21st, when the June Solstice supports personal transformation for the Scales.

Mars. Image via NASA
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
June brings money, money, money to the Scorpion. Enjoy positive energy in your Joint Income Sector on the 3rd when the New Moon attracts wealth. Stick to your budget in June and benefit all summer. On the 17th the Strawberry Moon lands in your Personal Income Sector, bringing a sweet harvest. This same sector benefits on the 20th, when the Ophiuchid Meteor Shower blesses your financial situation. And a healthy wallet supports a healthy mind. The Solstice also supports your Income Sector (June 21st). Your pocketbook won’t look so thin, if the Zodiac has its way.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The New Moon lands in your Marriage House on the 3rd, attracting all flavors of security, from emotional to financial, just when you need it. This Moon is highly charged to manifest dreams in the earthly realm. So you got that going for you. On the 10th your ruling Jupiter lands in Ophiuchus, forming a triple alignment with the Sun and Mother Earth. Risk-takers are rewarded. And iconoclasts get more celestial love on the 17th. When the Strawberry Moon lands in Ophiuchus, a.k.a. your Karma House, paying it forward pays off. Avoid phony spirituality and fake gurus on the 18th, when Saturn aligns with the Moon in your constellation. Listen to your own heart instead.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
The Sea-Goat has a great month at work. The New Moon lands in your Career House on the 3rd, bringing with it actionable goals that net workplace recognition. Extra work on your part pays off. The Harvest comes on the 17th with the Strawberry Moon. This Moon supports friendship for Capricorn, as does the Meteor Shower on the 20th. And both events provide professional opportunity. The Solstice also supports positive energy at work. Share ideas and a sense of camaraderie (June 21st). You will be appreciated. If the planets were a hiring committee, you would get the job.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
Repeat after me, Aquarius: shameless self- promotion. Building your brand is a joy this month, Water-Bearer, and it won’t feel like work. When the New Moon lands in your House of Creativity, makers gonna make (June 3rd). The Strawberry Moon sweetens your jam on the 17th when it lands in your Career House. That same day, bright Mercury brings a flurry of good ideas. Enjoy the brainstorm. On the 20th, your status continues to rise when the Ophiuchid Meteor Shower lights you up. Your personal charm is your professional ally, so be your goofy self. At month’s end your creativity is quite literally fired up when the Sun lands in that House for the Solstice. You can get a lot done on the longest day of the year. Summer is officially open and you are here for it.

Mercury. Image courtesy of NASA.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Express yourself, Pisces. June’s New Moon lands in your Communication House, encouraging new projects involving writing, singing, and dancing. Dreams come true with this Moon, so pick yours wisely. Take a trip on the 10th when lucky Jupiter forms a triple alignment with the Earth and Sun, pointing to your Travel House. On the 20th, the Strawberry Moon shines from the same house, and summer vacation never sounded so sweet. The Solstice pivots back to self-expression, when the Sun spends the longest day of the year in your Communication House (June 21st). I hope you have something important to say, because the world is listening.
Ophiuchus (November 29 – December 17)
You know that friend your parents didn’t like? The fun one? That friend is you, Snake – Bearer, and this month you encourage the whole Zodiac to break curfew and steal the car keys. Rebels win June when lucky Jupiter visits your constellation (June 10th), rewarding all risk takers with their hearts’ desires. And Ophiuchus hosts both the sweet Strawberry Moon (June 17th) and a Meteor Shower (June 20th). These events bring blessings and energy to the cool kids. You were right all along, playing by the rules is for losers.
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