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Happy New Year! The L.A. Taco Horoscope for January 2019

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]his is it, Angels, this is the year that counts. That dream that keeps you in (or brought you to) Los Angeles? Make it real in 2019. January hosts a monthlong planetary alignment (Sun-Saturn) that demands discipline, but yields big rewards. So, if you are prepared to buckle down, fulfillment is in the stars. Ever hear of a Super-Blood-Wolf-Moon? You will. A total eclipse of this adjective-heavy lunation will be visible in L.A. skies on January 20th (8:40 p.m.). Moody Cancer hosts the eclipse, so expect emotional upheaval. And on the 29th, Mercury, Earth and the Sun form a triple planetary alignment supporting your path to the dream. The trio bring intelligence, grounding and empowerment as gifts, not a bad toolkit for 2019.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

The Ram gets savvy in 2019. The Saturn-Sun alignment that spans all of January lands in your House of Education.  It is a good year to pursue that training, certification, or extra degree you have been thinking about getting.  One year from now you will be glad you did. Don’t miss the total lunar eclipse in Cancer on the 20th (8:40 pm). It lands in your House of Love and Creativity, so expect your little heart to break and mend. This passing heartache will reveal a path forward.  The next day Venus and Jupiter align in your House of Transformation. Lead with values.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Yoke up and secure that septum ring, Bull. 2019 demands extra effort from the already hardworking Taurus and offers extraordinary rewards (a Saturn-Sun alignment spans the month, highlighting Discipline and Transformation). A clear path forward is revealed on the 1st, when the Moon aligns with your ruling Venus in your House of Joint Income. If you apply yourself, you can achieve lasting financial stability in 2019. It’s completely worth the effort, but effort it will take. Venus also reclaims her morning star position - and is especially pretty - on the 6th. Remember what you value: beauty, grace towards others, and love, love, love. The total lunar eclipse on the 20th triggers strong emotions about home and family. Relationships are important to you. Do right by those you love. On the 21st, your ruling Venus aligns with lucky Jupiter in your House of Partnerships. A solid person in your life will support your ambitions this year. Treasure that person.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Among the many carrots 2019 dangles across the zodiac, only Gemini is offered self-realization. Saturn aligns with the Sun in your House of Transformation all month long. Expect dynamic personal expression when your twins synchronize into a super-you.  Psychological balance and profound emotional intelligence are possible. Your ruling Mercury aligns with the Moon – also in your Transformation House - on the 4th, linking the conscious and unconscious mind. Part of your growth comes from financial independence. On the 20th, a total lunar eclipse dramatically restructures your Income Sector. Wealth comes in many forms, including elite opportunities. Recognize and seize these chances. The month ends when your ruling Mercury align with both the Sun and Earth in a triple conjunction on the 29th. This arrangement supports travel, in your case expect mental leaps and journeys.

Venus - Computer Simulated Global View. Via NASA.
Venus - Computer Simulated Global View. Via NASA.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Pay close attention to January’s teachings, Cancer. The Saturn-Sun alignment points to intimate partnerships for the Crab. It lands in your House of Marriage, but can also represent business partnerships.  Either way, a relationship will become a springboard for growth and achievements this year. Ophiuchus hosts your ruling Moon’s alignment with Jupiter twice this month - on the 2nd and again on the 30th – supporting risk-taking. Expect a total eclipse of the Moon, and of your heart, on the 20th in your constellation. The upheaval provided by his lunation will be intense, but will yield valuable insights. Write them down, it’s not every day that the planets present you with a blueprint for the year.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, how is it every month is all about you? Your ruling Sun starts off the New Year with a bang, aligning with Saturn for the entirety of January, and landing in your Career House. 2019 is a major year for you professionally. On the 2nd, the Sun is at its closest point to Earth (perihelion for my science friends) radiating mojo and confidence on the Lion’s golden shoulders. Open up to this light. Want to see something pretty? The total lunar eclipse on the 20th will be f*ing gorgeous. Promise me you will look at it (8:40 p.m.).  It shines in your House of Karmic Debt, illuminating the path for achieving the professional goals outlined by the Saturn-Sun alignment. Write down any cosmic messages you receive in your cosmic messages notebook. January ends with your Sun participating in a triple alignment with Earth and Mercury on the 29th. This planetary ménage à trois reveals your strongest partnerships. You will go farther if you accept help from friends. Luckily, you have some good ones.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Repeat after me, Virgo: creativity and love. Both are emphasized during the monthlong Saturn-Sun alignment as areas where you can find fulfillment. But the rewards are only given to those that work hard. (Saturn is big on discipline.) Wondering where to start? The lunar eclipse on the 20th illuminates the path, which emphasizes community building. Can you be a better friend in 2019? A better neighbor? Reset your priorities to reveal a more dynamic you.  Feel the love at home on the 21st. A Venus-Jupiter alignment -visible over Los Angeles reminds Virgos that love is an act of rebellion. And on the 29th, expect a triple planetary alignment featuring your ruling planet Mercury, the Earth and the Sun. The trio will empower you to pursue the goal you set for 2019. Love hard.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Homes are verbs, not nouns. They constantly threaten to leak, crumble, and groan. Maintaining your abode takes self-sacrifice and commitment - two qualities supported for Libras this year. Your Home and Family sector hosts the Saturn-Sun alignment that spans January. Every effort you put here will be rewarded. On January 1st, your ruling Venus aligns with the Moon in your constellation, supporting self-discovery. On the 6th, that same planet will be extra bright - 50% illuminated. (Early risers are encouraged to check out this pretty “Morning Star”.) This position supports harmony, setting the tone for the New Year. On the 20th, the total lunar eclipse stirs up drama in your Community House. The intensity of your feelings will transcend petty emotions, and you will achieve clarity regarding an issue close to your heart. Libra hosts the last quarter Moon on the 27th. Ground your emotions; they don’t get the keys to the car tonight.

A color photo of Mars
Mars. Image via NASA

Mars. Image via NASA

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Get ready to gab, Scorpions. 2019 supports communication. Wax poetic all of January - the Saturn-Sun alignment supports dynamic expression, especially in the workplace. A total lunar eclipse in your Career House will underscore your professional ambitions. You may suffer a minor freak-out. Breath, and see the opportunity before you. Your emotions will be so unfiltered that they highlight what you really want out of this year. It won’t be easy, but you can get there. Venus and Jupiter align on the 21st. (This is visible in Los Angeles. Check it out in the early morning).  Love, luck, and rebellion are promoted by this pairing. Fortune favors the bold. So, take a risk.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius hosts the powerful Sun-Saturn alignment that spans January, setting a theme of self-fulfillment for 2019. If you want to use all your talents, and find appreciation, this is the year, but it will take hard work.  On the 2nd, the Sun achieves perihelion, the closest distance we get to it all year. You’ll feel like a Leo for a day, radiating solar mojo and confidence. Your ruling Jupiter aligns with the Moon twice this month, on the 2nd , and again on the 30th, in your House of Self -Undoing. Avoid your usual vices. (Discipline, baby! Go get some.) The lunar eclipse makes waves in your House of Transformation (January 20th). Death of the ego is intense, the ripples will be felt all year long. Go with it, and keep the faith. You will end this year in a superior psychological state than you started with.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Happy Birthday, Sea-Goat. As a present to you, your ruling Saturn aligns with the Sun for an entire month. Discipline yields transformation, and the entire zodiac will feel it. Since Saturn is the willpower planet, January supports ambition. Aim high, Archer.  The path to success is made clear to you on the 20th, when the total eclipse of the Moon lands in your Partnership House. Evaluate your romantic and business partners. You know what to do with dead weight. 2019 won’t present easy choices, but the benefits, and rewards it offers are worth the hard work. The month ends with a triple alignment when Mercury lands in your constellation, lining up with Earth and the Sun on the 29th.  The source of your power is at hand. Use it, and 2019 will be so much better to you than 2018.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Happy New Year, Aquarius. The Zodiac has some resolutions picked out for you.  Saturn and the Sun align for a sold month in your House of Friendship and Community, so put your efforts there. Be a good person, every day, and your selflessness will be rewarded. The lunar eclipse lands in your Marriage House on the 20th. The resulting drama will illuminate the path forward. (This eclipse, by the way, begins at 8:40 p.m. Check it out.) On the 22nd, a Venus -Jupiter alignment will be visible in L.A. (look East, pre-dawn). It brightens your Career Quadrant so expect an exciting professional opportunity. Increased status and responsibility will unlock your next level of self in 2019.

Mercury. Image courtesy of NASA.

Mercury. Image courtesy of NASA.Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Fancy a career change, Pisces? If you want to swim in a new direction, this is your year. January favors the bold with a monthlong Saturn-Sun alignment. This pairing rewards discipline, so expect to work your tail off to get what you want. Your constellation hosts the First Quarter Moon on the 13th. This lunar phase is associated with project building – specifically course correction – so fine tune your strategy for the year. Don’t let them see you sweat on the 20th when the lunar eclipse, hosted in your House of Work, underscores your dissatisfaction. Apply the hard-won insights gained that day to improving your professional game. On the 21st, Venus and Jupiter align in your House of Higher Education. Study up on a few things to maximize your 2019 plan for world domination. (This alignment will be visible in L.A. skies, so look East before dawn for a pretty show.)

Ophiuchus (November 29 – December 17)

Get ready to tighten your belt, Snake Bearer. January’s Saturn-Sun alignment lands in your Income House. This pairing demands discipline, but yields generous rewards later in the year. Rumor has it you have been spending money like a sailor. Stop that. Start making your money work for you, and not the other way around. Your constellation hosts two Jupiter-Moon alignments – on the 2nd and again on the 30th – when your good heart is advised to be rebellious. The Total Lunar Eclipse on the 20th darkens your House of Spirituality. If you have been a sloppy yogi, a flaccid warrior, or loosey goosey with your samurai code, please get your shit together. And don’t forget to watch the eclipse at 8:40 p.m.  It should be beautiful. The month ends with a Moon- Venus alignment in your constellation (January 31st), reminding you that love is the only course of action.

RELATED: The L.A. Taco Horoscope for December, 2019

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