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The L.A. Taco Horoscope for April 2019

[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap]pril is about keeping an open mind, Angels. Mercury, the planet of big ideas, takes up residency in Aquarius where it is exalted - that means fired up - and when it aligns with both Neptune and the Moon on the 2nd, you are primed for cosmic insight. Want to make those dreams come true? The Sun enters Taurus on 4-20, bringing a mellow mood with zero couch-lock to the Zodiac. Benefit from the Bull’s steady determination. Own a pair of binoculars? Lucky Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede makes an appearance on the 12th, giving a celestial blessing to our fair city.  And if that isn’t pretty enough for you, three meteor showers brighten L.A. skies this month: the Virginids, the Lyrids, and the Alpha-Scorpiids. Respectively, these light shows support beauty, art and libido – so basically it is just another month in Los Angeles.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

It is tax season in the Zodiac, Aries. April emphasizes finances for the Ram, so take a tip from the planets to get your accounts in order. The month begins with your ruling planet Mars aligning with the Moon in your Personal Income House. Expect frustration (and resulting motivation) to straighten out your budget. Don’t worry, you are very capable of untying that knot. On the same day, Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede, appears in your Joint Income House, representing a change in fortune for the better. On the 20th the Sun enters Taurus, bringing bullish determination to - you guessed it -matters of income. It’s not a sexy month, but it is an affirming one, full of grown-up actualization.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

The bull works hard this month, and looks good doing it.  When Venus aligns with the Moon in your Career House (April 1st) expect to fall in love with your job. Your recent grumpy spell regarding the workplace will continue to dissolve on the 12th, when the Virginid Meteor shower peaks in your Career House, adding Virgo’s perfectionism to your strong work ethic. The Sun enters the Taurus Constellation on 4-20, transforming celestial couch-lock to heady determination. Get it done without stressing this April.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

What’s the big idea, Gemini? Your creative juices flow this April, when your ruling Mercury has two planetary alignments on the 2nd - first with Neptune and then with the Moon in your House of Higher Learning, a.k.a Aquarius. (Mercury Is exalted in Aquarius, so your mind will reflect the big mind of the cosmos.) You have been admitted to the university of the stars.  On the 12th, the Virginid Meteor Shower brightens your House of Creativity. Feel the energy move through you. It is a lucky day for sweethearts too; Jupiter’s moon Ganymede appears in your Marriage House, adding luck to love. On 4-20 the Sun enters Taurus – energizing your House of Karma. You deserve all the blessings coming your way.

Venus - Computer Simulated Global View. Via NASA.

Venus - Computer Simulated Global View. Via NASA.Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Been a little closed-minded lately, Crab? April will open your headspace for spring cleaning. This month is about letting go to ideas that are no longer serving you. When your ruling Moon aligns with Venus in your House of Transformation (April 1st), Marie Kondo your outlook, and get rid of whatever doesn’t spark joy. Brainy Mercury visits this same House the next day, aligning first with Neptune and then with the Moon. When you are receptive to new ideas, life gets a lot easier. The Virginid Meteor Shower illuminates your House of Communication (April 12th). Not only will you feel understood by those around you, but you can expect some heart-to-hearts with yourself. The full Moon in Virgo (April 19th) also supports communication. Meditate on your throat chakra to help it along.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The Lion gets serious about money this month. The Virginid Meteor Shower adds Virgo’s meticulous energy to your Income Sector (April 12th). You may feel stuck, trying to find a solution to a tricky problem, especially with brainy Mercury at dichotomy in your Partnership House. (Mercury has phases, just like our Moon, and this is its half-dark phase.)  Can you improve your relationship to improve your finances? Anybody with a partner knows that these two are related. Your ruling Sun enters Taurus on the 20th, bringing stability and determination. And on the 22nd, the Alpha-Scorpiid Meteor Shower brightens your Home and Family Sector. Enjoy the good vibes at home.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The Virgin’s ruling planet Mercury brightens her Marriage House this month. It aligns with two planets there on the 2nd (first Neptune and later that night with the Moon) bringing an unconventional solution to a tricky problem. Turn on to cosmic advice, which is never wrong. The Virginid Meteor Shower peaks on the 12th, bringing you self-assurance. Your perfectionism is appreciated, so stop apologizing for being a badass. Your constellation also hosts the Full Moon (April 19th) supporting more self-love. And get ready to kick off Taurus season (April 20th). When the Sun enters the Bull’s sign, Virgos feel determined in matters of higher law. Let your spiritual values steer you into spring.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The scales keep it real this month, and Libras remember that the best things in life aren’t things. Your ruling Venus kicks off April with a lunar alignment in your Marriage House (April 1st).   Venus stays in that house, lining up with dreamy Neptune on the 9th. Maybe you are already living the dream. After all, look at all the love around you. The Virginid Meteor Shower shines a light on your Subconscious Sector April 12th, illuminating your deeper values, as well as any self- defeating tendencies you should abandon. Another Meteor Shower (the Alpha Scorpiids on the 28th) illuminate your Home and Family Sector. You are well aware of your blessings this month. Enjoy.

A color photo of Mars
Mars. Image via NASA

Mars. Image via NASA

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Put your stinger away and make nice, Scorpio. April is about good vibes and socializing. The Virginid Meteor shower peaks in your House of Friendship and Community (April 12th) blasting cosmic love through your tribe. On the same day, Ganymede (lucky Jupiter’s largest moon) makes an appearance in your Personal Income House. Buy the lotto ticket, ask for the raise, pawn the guitar. (Well, maybe not the guitar.) Today is a good day for some extra cash. The sun enters Taurus on the 20th, igniting the Scorpion’s House of Transformation. It isn’t just spring fever you are feeling; Papa really does have a brand new bag. Your best day this month is the 28th, when the Alpha -Scorpiids blast you with celestial mojo. Radiate self-assurance.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Surprise, Archer. We got you a present. Your ruling planet Jupiter has a special gift for you this month. Its largest moon, Ganymede, appears on the 12th in your House of Karma. (This is easy to see with binoculars.) Good deeds pay off.  When the Sun enters the constellation Taurus on the 20th, it activates your Marriage House. This can represent romantic relationships or even business partnerships. Whoever it is that has your back this month, let them know they are appreciated. A little bit of thank you goes a long way. On the 23rd, your constellation hosts a meteor shower generating from nearby Lyra. Expect a boost in self-confidence. Dance it out if you need to. On the 25th, your constellation hosts a Moon-Saturn alignment that will present as a bad mood. It will pass, but try not to send any emails that day.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorns are known for success in business, and April’s skies reinforce your prowess. Apply a new skill set at work when the Virginid Meteor Shower (April 12th) brightens your House of Higher Learning.  On the same day, lucky Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede) offers a blessing to new endeavors. The Sun enters the constellation Taurus April 20th, affecting Capricorn’s Career House. This is good news - Taurus brings willpower and common sense to the workplace. And when your ruling Saturn aligns with the Moon on the 25th, expect a serious headspace. Use it to make the best of a bad situation. The month ends with more good vibes at work. Another meteor shower (the Alpha-Scorpiids on the 28th) add sparkle to your Career House.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Prepare to be inspired, Water-Bearer. Your constellation hosts a salon of sorts this month. A handful of alignments in Aquarius support new ideas and clear mental spaces. Basically, it is the zodiac version of TED. On the 1st, the Moon and Venus pair there, and a nonconformist approach to tricky problems brings the best solutions. On the 2nd, Mercury meets two planets in your constellation, first dreamy Neptune, and then the Moon again. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius – that means supercharged, astrologically speaking - and its activity opens you up to the cosmic mind, where the best inspiration comes from. On the 9th, Venus and Mercury align in Aquarius and the idea train doesn’t stop. (Venus lends love’s influence.) And on the 22nd, your ruling planet Uranus aligns with the Sun in your House of Personal Income. Avoid impulsive tendencies and too much caffeine.

Mercury. Image courtesy of NASA.

Mercury. Image courtesy of NASA.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Prepare to be a little extra this month, Pisces. The month begins with your ruling planet Neptune aligning with Venus in your House of Subconscious. Dreams, love and more dreams are on the forecast. The Viriginid Meteor Shower peaks in your House of Partnership April 12th. All that goddess energy can only mean one thing – epic date night. Taurus season kicks off April 20th, when the Sun enters your House of Communication. Be the sweetheart in the room. Criticism abounds at all times, and it doesn’t need to come from you. On the 28th the Alpha-Scorpiid Meteor Shower brightens your House of Transformation, revealing a new you. Continue to surprise us, little fish.

Ophiuchus (November 29 – December 17)

Ophiuchus lets his hair (and snake) down this April. On the 12th, the Virginid Meteor Shower lights up your House of Friendship and Community. Pub invitations abound. Accept them. Laughing with friends is good for your health. The Sun enters Taurus on the 20th, emphasizing good vibes at home. The Sun stays in your House of Partnerships for a month, bringing reassurance.  Your neighbor, the constellation Lyra blasts your sign with another meteor shower on the 23rd, illuminating your House of Self.  Feel a boost in self-assurance and vitality when the Zodiac puts spring in your step.

RELATED: The L.A. Taco Horoscope for March 2019

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