[dropcap size=big]B[/dropcap]eing straight-up: The more resources we have, the more stories we can publish covering issues affecting every corner of Los Angeles. Fewer resources equal to fewer stories.
Our loyal base of BIPOC contributors and tiny staff can not run on tacos alone. (Trust us, we've tried.) Every single hard-earned dollar that you spend with us goes right back into the pockets of our hardworking reporters and photographers. We are proud to be fiercely independent, but we cannot get by without help.
To keep things exciting, we are offering a buy one get one free promotion. Until Sunday at midnight, when you buy one membership, you will get another one—full of perks!—for free. As if this wasn't exciting enough, we are proud to announce our swanky first-edition L.A. Taco coffee mug! It keeps your morning beverages warm and your brain's need for daily stories fulfilled.
L. A. Taco still continues to hit the streets every day to find new perks for our members. From a free carnitas topped with sweet garlic confit Taco at Flaco. in Hollywood to a free crispy shrimp taco at Mariscos Jalisco, our perk list is ever increasing. Other perks include our Members Only weekly newsletter, where we offer you a rare peek into our DIY weekly newsroom happenings.
Thank you everyone for your dedication and support to maintaining the Taco Lifestyle, and wishing you the best of leftover turkey tacos and good vibes this weird holiday season.