While the price of tacos at taco trucks has been roughly the same for the past 5-10 years ($1 is the standard, $1.25 at your pricier spots, and $.50 at your bargain wagons), the price of tacos in taquerias and in restaurants has steadily been creeping up and up. At themed mexican restaurants such as "Pink Taco", two tacos will set you back close to $10. As the taco lifestyle spreads to all corners of the globe and all strata of society, savvy restaurateurs have figured out how to take a simple street foodstuff, add a fancy ingredient, and charge insane prices. Case in point: Brentwood's cleverly named The Brentwood $38.50 filet mignon taco entree. We submit this to be the world's most expensive taco. Like DB Bistro's $100 hamburger compared with In-n-Out, we doubt very much that the Brentwood taco can hold a candle to our city's best $1 taco truck tacos.