[dropcap size=big]W[/dropcap]hen you mess with a trompo or its loyal trompero, you mess with all of us.
L.A. Taco condemns any kind of taco violence, especially when it involves a trompo or the trompero behind it. We stand with all taqueros of the world. We thought it goes without saying but after a video surfaced last week of a man using all of his might to knock down an al pastor trompo in Mexico’s City’s Tlalpan borough, here we are.
#LordTacos así fue como un hombre que dijo ser diputado llegó a una taquería insultando, argumentando que era dueño de la calle y que nadie se podía estacionar a los costados y enfrente, ocurrió en la calle Cansahcab en #Tlalpan. pic.twitter.com/ITXhO4R85Y
— Azucena Uresti (@azucenau) August 10, 2019
L.A. Taco was first notified of this senseless act of taco violence via its personal Mexican Taco Intelligence connects earlier in the week via an article on the news site, SDP. In the video, first shared by Facebook user Alfonso Reyes but then posted above by reporter Azucena Uresti on her Twitter account, a man of the “Godinez” variety in Mexico City (a term in Spanish used to describe a type of white-collar salaried worker that is moderately educated and usually identified for their overarching bellies, slicked-back hair, and buttoned-up shirts) is seen getting all up on the grill of a trompero who firmly stood his ground. The Godinez stumbles a little.
The entire sequence with smokestacks plays out like a Yasujirō Ozu film from hell.
The trompero’s hand is firmly holding his livelihood, the almighty trompo, when the Godinez then attempts to sucker-punch the taquero with a right hook. The taquero parries with his left arm while still maintaining a grip on his loyal trompo. The Godinez then gets upset and aims straight to the neck of the trompo, looking like a category F3 meat tornado at that point in the night, dragging the entire trompo apparatus with all his Godinez strength. It crashes down to the sidewalk in a thunderous boom with smoke rising from the man-slaughtered trompo. The entire sequence with smokestacks plays out like a Yasujirō Ozu film from hell.
The entire video is from the POV of a person recording the incident behind the taqueria’s suadero gently braising in a chorizero taquero pan, which was fortunately not caught in the fury of Godinez anger.
The taco terrorist has been dubbed “Lord Tacos.”
The taco terrorist has been dubbed “Lord Tacos” and the internet certainly had its say also condemning him for his dark intentions against the trompo and the trompero.
SDP reports that this was not the first time this taco bully was seen harassing the taquero. According to their article, he had made numerous threats to the business in the past, including death threats.
“We are just working here, why don’t you get out of here” one of the trompero’s taquero colleagues is heard shouting to the Godinez in the video. Three men are then seen holding back the drunken-looking Godinez and escorting him out of the frame.
L.A. Taco does not know of the current condition of the trompo but wishes the taquero the best of luck as he rebuilds.