988 N. Hill Street #202 Los Angeles, CA 90012 ~ (213)-613-9032
We have no idea who the very rich, perpetual adolescents are that buy those vinyl Japanese toys with $200 price tags, but suspect it's those same twats we grew up with who, at 12 years old, wouldn't take thier GI Joes out of the box because they might be worth something someday.
Tucked away very secretively on the second floor of a mini-mall, next to Empress Paviliion To-Go, is an explosion of color in Robocon, a sort of dressed-up Giant Robot with a focus more on toys and playthings than the street-art & guerilla book M.O. of that Sawtelle shop.

Similar in vibe, Robocon provides wall space for underground artists who have a simliar graphic aesthetic to the store aisles, switching the artwork monthly. Lining the display cases are action figures resembling long-lost members of The Residents and mutant versions of Jurrasic Five and the Gorillaz; books and magazines on fringe art movements and graffiti; racks of t-shirts, purses and accessories from that sock monkey dude and other inide artists; pastel cruiser bikes; and a mountain of Japanese candy like a mini-Aji Ichiban. Even if you weren't the dude who started Napster or you were over toys by 4th grade, Robocon is worth a look for the sheer inspiration armies of plastic weirdos can bring to your imagination.