11029 Washington Blvd. ~ Culver City, CA 90232 ~ 310-837-2412 (TACO Map)
And all this time we'd been going to OC to stock TACO's ever-expanding arsenal of weaponry. Martin B. Retting Guns in Culver City, a legend stretching back to 1928, seems to stock everything from clean stretches of shotties and shelves stuffed with assembly-line-fresh glocks, old west and comtemporary revolvers to antique collector's weaponry like samurai swords, Nazi daggers, Mausers, derringers, and Westchesters, plus old school belt-fed machine guns from the start of the 20th century. One homie was going over the smooth lines of what looked like an M4 A1 Carbine assault rifle sticking out of a hard case. Duck hunting anyone?

The staff at Retting will warmly guide you through the legalities and intricacies of gun ownership and weapon styles. Whatever you need and desire to thwart that spurned lover, stage a takeover at the post office, or mow down the good folks at Wal-Mart seems to hang from store shelves. Guns are dangerous, guns are deadly, but by now every other yahoo in the U.S. has one of these things, and have you ever talked to some of those people? Trust us, you will probably want to have one of these someday.
Also Retting buys your guns and weapons...when they go out of style, of course.