U-Pick Parts is a legendary auto salvage shop in Sun Valley, which served both auto-tuners and gear heads as well as Hollywood propmeisters and location scouts. If you need a shot of a massive junkyard, this was your spot. As the Daily News reported this week,
Its acres of car heaps soon became a favorite of Paramount, Universal, Columbia and other studios, its ruins featured in hundreds of movies, TV shows, music videos and commercials.
L.A.’s possibly largest and most popular junkyard was not only a star in such big-screen features as “Escape From L.A.,” “In Cold Blood” and “Hangover.”
It’s been featured on countless TV shows, from the 1960s-era L.A. cop drama “Adam-12” to the 1970s-era “CHiPS,” Adlen said. In the past six weeks alone, Aadlen Bros. has served as sets — sometimes for the second time — for “Supergirl,” “Criminal Minds,” “Rizzoli & Isles” and “NCIS: Los Angeles.”
After releasing his 1998 single hit “My Way,” Usher gussied up a 53-foot junkyard trailer to look like a giant boom box before boogying on it for his music video.
The reality TV show “Fear Factor” once had contestants struggling for keys in running junkyard cars — in the wake of a 10,000-pound monster truck.
“Anytime you saw a wrecking yard on TV or in film, it was probably here,” said Andrew Adlen, who works for his cousin Nathan at the business located at both 11590 Tuxford Ave. and 11409 Penrose St. By a back gate reads a sign: “We (heart) junk cars.”
The lot is 250+ acres, and is closing down at the end of the year. The final days are here, and photographer Tom Andrews visited to check it out. Please enjoy these photos...