We got word from REVOK and SABER today that one of the most badass murals to go up in Los Angeles in awhile is going to be buffed by the city. A mere week from the opening of "Art in the Streets" at MOCA, works by Os Gêmeos, SABER, REVOK, RIME, RETNA, NORM, JERSEY JOE are currently being destroyed by the City of Los Angeles, even as tax money goes to supporting contemporary arts. Furthermore, the city also plans to buff the murals on Melrose, which have served as an outdoor gallery for thousands of Angeleños for the past few years and drawn thousands of visitors to the city.
Think about it-- the city is spending loads of money to destroy artwork, even as we prepare to honor street art in a major way at a city supported museum. MOCA was created by the City of Los Angeles and private donors in the early 1980's, and in all that time there still seems to be a massive disconnect between supporting contemporary arts in Los Angeles and prosecuting artists who try to bring some life and color to the people.
Update 1: here's how artwork that's been ruined looks:

Update 2: The mural was mistakenly buffed by a private company that had bad information. Read our update here: Who is Graffiti Control Systems?
Top photo by ReignmanP
Bottom Photo by RoughAndGreedy