[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap] mural project is taking place at the Del Amo Indoor Shopping Center located in Compton with the direction of business owner & artist of Made Fresh Shop, Ricardo "DUEM" Espinoza. From speaking with Ricardo, he explained this mural project was to take place last year. Like all other plans of 2020, it was placed on hold because of the pandemic. When Ricardo was told the Del Amo would open back on January 22nd, he knew it was a time to get this project into action.
Muralist made their way to Compton to claim their wall space and create kick off the project. Artists such as Royal Dog, Axis, Atlas, Nychos & 1010, Sensei & Aloy set a great tone for the murals that will be added to the entire indoor shopping building. L.A. TACO OG photographer Erwin Recinos visited the location regularly in the last two weeks and photographed the progress of art on the walls.