Tuesday, April 10, 6-8pm, MAKE HIP HOP NOT WAR Tour at Clothing of the American Mind, 1284 W. Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, 90026.
The purpose of the Make Hip Hop not War Tour is to get more young people, especially people of color and college students, involved in the anti-war movement.
Speakers will include: Rev. Lennox Yearwood, President of the Hip Hop Caucus, Mimi Kennedy, Progressive Democrats of America, Advisory Board Chair, Dr. Bill Honigman, Progressive Democrats of America California organizer, Steve Cobble, Progressive Democrats of America Board Member.
The Make Hip Hop Not War Tour will provide the anti-war movement with a "surge" that could transform current public opinion which opposes the war into powerful mobilization against the war. A stronger and more diverse mobilization is critical to force our policymakers to take concrete steps to withdraw our troops from Iraq and to prevent an attack on Iran.
For more information on Tuesday's event, please contact Matthew Gerbasi: matt@cotam.org or 213-481-2004. For more info on the Hip Hop Caucus go to www.hiphopcaucus.org or www.myspace.com/makehiphopnotwar.
Spread the word!!!!!