Being the cutthroat pirates that we are, we love invasions, plundering, and pillaging too! Jenny Price over at LA-insider guide Native Intelligence has published an excellent guide to entering Malibu's "private beaches." Anyone down for a few games of sloshball at David Geffen's spot this Sunday? New York Magazine published the above tidbit last year.
"So the summer goes on the Malibu beaches--well, at least the 20 miles of beaches (out of 27) lined by private development. Of course, every single one of these beaches is fully public below the mean high tide line (working definition: the wet sand), and all of them have plenty of public easements on the dry sand.
They're gorgeous beaches, and the public owns big pieces of them, and it'd be nice if you didn't feel like you have to bring property maps, a lawyer, and a copy of the California constitution, and to put the Coastal Commission on speed-dial, to use them..."
-Jenny Price, Native Intelligence, LA Observed