"None of us are as strong as all of us"...Tarek "Dusk" Captan
DATE: Thursday september 6th. Case will be called between 8:30-10:30 am and may last a few hours. LOCATION: LA Superior Court, LAX at 11701 S. La Cienega Blvd., LA, 90045; Courtroom B. (See www.lasuperiorcourt.org/locations/lax for parking info. Suggest carpool.) Everyone is welcome.
"SENTENCING OF DRUNK DRIVER... We know all of you have been waiting for news of this case, but the frustration has been that there was nothing to report. Every month, for over a year, postponement after postponement after postponement. FINALLY, the waiting is over! 25 y/o Timothy Charles Murchison, driving the night of 4/29/06 without a valid drivers license, without car insurance and with a blood alcohol of 0.21% (<0.08 is legal) was charged with DUI with bodily injury of Rosalinda Kooyman and vehicular manslaughter of Tarek Captan. He plead "no contest" to both counts after a plea bargain was struck without trial. Defense attorney, Richard Hutton, is the same attorney involved in the Paris Hilton case. Now the family is inviting EVERYONE to attend the sentencing.
Everyone is welcome. We would like to see the courtroom full, the hallways full, and even the parking lots full of people demonstrating solidarity of all those lives that were touched by Dusk while he walked this earth. Wear his T-shirts, carry signs and banners, invite the media, etc. To all of you who wrote victim impact letters---THANK YOU---the judge has read the dozens and dozens that we sent to him. They will make a difference. And all of us in the courtroom will make a difference too because Tarek believed in the strength of unity..."
Photos from Vestaldesign.com