Welcome to L.A. TACO’s daily news briefs, where we bring our loyal members, readers, and supporters the latest headlines about Los Angeles politics and culture. Stay informed and look closely.
—A hit and run on Sepulveda Boulevard in Van Nuys on Sunday morning left one man dead. [NBC]
—The expertise of an LAPD bomb tech went ignored before the June fireworks demolition that destroyed multiple homes in South L.A. [ABC]
—Funds are being raised for two L.A. fruit vendors who were illegally evicted from their homes following an attack and robbery that left them out of work. [LCDV]
—Protests in solidarity with Ukraine rallied outside of the Westwood offices of Dianne Feinstein this weekend. [Mike Ade/Instagram]
—Sheriff Villanueva showed a video discussing how harmful he feels the homeless are to businesses, zeroing in on a tent in front of Johnie's, a business that hasn't been open in decades. [Axum Selassie/Twitter]
—A massive, three high-rise-strong, mixed-use building complex has been approved for 1111 Sunset Boulevard, just west of Downtown, slated to include 737 living units, office space, and a 180 room hotel, among other features. [Urbanize]