2010 Presencia Cubana en Los Angeles ~ Cuban Music Festival
Now in its 16th Anniversary, the Cuban Music Festival: Presencia Cubana en Los Angeles celebrates the cultural heritage of Cuba. It is the major FREE celebration in the West Coast of “Día de la Independencia de Cuba” (Cuban Independence Day), which commemorates this Caribbean island’s freedom from Spain on May 20, 1902. This free family festival includes a stage with live contagious Cuban music, a dance floor open to everyone, food and art vendors, and fun for all ages, including a Children’s Play Area.
For booth and sponsorship information, contact Claudia Duval-Arrue at (818) 383-2563, claudia@duvalproductions.net or Marco Duval (310)261-8778 marco@duvalproductions.net or Jessie Ruz 562-253-5448 jessie@duvalproductions.net
WHEN: May 23, 12:00 noon – 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Echo Park Lake, 1632 Bellevue Ave., Echo Park
COST: Free
Previously: 2008 Cuban Music Festival