Stay Gallery hosted the opening of Sean Norvet's first solo show titled "All You Can Eat". We were able to get a peek inside of Norvet's mind when we interviewed him last week, but he still managed to surpise and amaze the crowd with his fine artistry and craftsmanship.
The details that went into Norvet's pieces were remarkable, each idea was full of inventiveness and executed perfectly. It was as if Norvet had a team of artists to complete the pieces, but Norvet did it all. From the giant oil paintings, to the lifelike taco plate (our favorite) and the life size sandwich shop, Norvet created a little world inside of Stay Gallery. A little world we highly suggest you check out. L.A. Taco's Desilu was there to capture some of the evening. All You Can Eat is on display until the end of this month. Click the link below for more to eat.