Nobuyoshi Araki's vision continues to conjure up the most tantalizing photographs with the insatiable Japanese photographer's current project "Love on The Left Eye". The opening was held at Little Big Man Gallery last Saturday just over the bridge off of 4th street.
Despite losing sight from his right eye, Araki's vigorous vision couldn't be more interesting. The attendance was high as so many curious people wanted to get a chance to see Araki's work in person. Araki's half obscured vision was shot on slide film and before printing any of his photographs, Araki blacked out the right side of each negative as though to portray his actual sight. Other pieces in the show were shot with a modified point and shoot camera where Araki destroyed the optical mechanism to get the desired effect, a complete distortion and fog of an image. The black high gloss photographs had the most vibrant colors as you were immediately drawn in to take a closer look at what Araki was capturing. "Love on The Left Eye" will be on display at Little Big Man Gallery until February 6th, view the gallery for more photos.