While some did not appreciate the gesture, the pranksters behind this phony Whole Foods announcement deserve a pat on the back. With a simple sign from Kinkos, they managed to expose the consumerism that is at the core of both the hipster and anti-hipster movements. By taking a position on the announcement of a supermarket, both sides revealed the driving force of their ideology-- defining ones self through the things they buy or don't buy. In a city riven by serious issues like unemployment, affordable housing, and racism, the backlash that ensued over a place to buy groceries was both tragic and hilarious.
For those who say they're worried about Silver Lake being "gentrified", the average listing price for a home in Silver Lake is north of $700,000; that ship sailed a long time ago. What people actually feared were the cultural signifiers of a gentrification that occurred years ago and would force them to either redefine themselves, or move to a place where a Whole Food prank is years away.
Photo by: MyCityofLA