The invasion project is one of my favorite street art projects ever. I remember being tired, burned out and sick, ready to come home, when I saw an invader mosaic on a small bridge near Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. It reminded me of its counterpart near Parking lot 6 at LAX and I thought about it the whole flight home. When I landed, all I wanted to do was get to my apartment, but instead I looped around the airport a few times to make the journey complete and spot the twin of the tiles I had spotted at CDG.

Our friend Spencer is on the scene, here's his report and his photos of the reinvasion of Los Angeles:
A little over a year ago the Space Invaders in Los Angeles started disappearing. This was shortly after Space Invader had his exhibit at SixSpace Gallery called RubikCubism. Space Invader has returned to re-invade Los Angeles. This is an invasion by Space Invader himself-- Space Invader returns to L.A.! Invaders have been spotted all over Los Angeles. New Invaders and mostly Re-Invasion Invaders. Los Angeles Invasion Wave #6!

If you go to 14.2.1, you can see the originals and the reinvasion, and we're told more will be added soon.