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Memo Torres

Memo Torres is a multi-media taco journalist, a third-generation landscaper, host of L.A. Taco’s new Plant and Gardening column, Yerbalife, host of Apple Maps’ L.A. food guide on all iPhones, Director of Partnerships for the James Beard award-winning L.A. Taco, a finalist for the Ruben Salazar Award for Latino Journalists, a taco scout for numerous shows, can be seen on Netflix’s Taco Chronicles, Pressure Cooker, Mythical Kitchen, KCRW, and elsewhere.

Meet the Taquero Behind the Nayarit-Style, Crispy-Skin Suckling Pig and Mustard Salsa Competing at TACO MADNESS

Los Sabrosos al Horno stands out in L.A.'s highly competitive taco scene. Why? For their extremely unique mustard salsa that will astound you as soon as you take that first big bite. After all, a taco is only as good as its salsa. 

May 2, 2023